Sunday Sermon on Rahab, the type of people God uses
26-FEB 2006 Sunday Service
Speaker : Elder Peter Tsen
Topic : Rahab : The type of people God uses
Passage : Joshua 2, 6:17, 6:22-23
How God used Rahab, the prostitute in
* Rahab sheltered & hid the 2 spies sent by Joshua
* Defied the King's order
* Misdirected the King's men
* Helped the 2 spies to escape
Sermon contents
* The attributes of Rahab's Life
* The impact of Rahab's Life
* The lessons from Rahab's sin
The attributes of Rahab's life
1) She heard testimonies about the Lord and taken them to heart (vs 8-11)
- I know the Lord had given this land to you and a great fear has fallen on us
- we have heard how the Lord dried up the
- the Lord your God is in heaven above and on their side
2) Convicted and plead for salvation (vs 12-13)
- please swear to me ... You will show kindness to my family
- that you will spare the lives of my family and me
- that you will save us from death
3) Accept the Lord and trust His Word (vs 14, 18)
- "Our lives for your live!".. If you...
- don't tell what we are doing
- have tied the scarlet cord on the window
- have brought all your family into the house
Hell is timeless (eternity) and so is heaven. The difference is that hell is timeless suffering!
Rahab was facing a life or death situation here... Or to paraphrase that, she was facing either heaven or hell! She had to make a decision to save herself and her family by entrusting her life in the words of God's people.
4) Involved in the Lord's work (vs 6 & 15)
- Rahab took the spies and hid them on the roof
- And helped them to escape
James 2:25, 2:26
25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.
5) Discerning spirit (vs 16)
- Rahab discerned it would not be wise for the 2 spies to return to Joshua straight away
- she advise them to hide in the hills for 3 days until the pursuers give up pursuing
6) Faithful and obedient (vs 6:22-23)
- Rahab fulfilled the conditions laid down by the spies
- the spies recognised the household by the scarlet cord hanging on the window
- she made sure all her family members are inside the house.
The significance of the RED scarlet chord : this ensures salvation for her. RED signifies the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ saves lives from sin.
Hebrews 11:31
31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
The impact of Rahab's Life
- The God fearing values are passed down, not curses of sins
Matthew 1:1-17 The genealogy of Jesus
Abraham (several generations later)->Salmon married Rahab -> Boaz (son of Ruth) married Ruth -> Obed -> Jesse -> King David(abt 1000 yrs later) -> Jesus Christ!
Both Ruth and Rahab are Moabites, not Israelites. This shows God can use anyone, even back then in the old days.
Sidetracked : Testimony from the Elder about how his forefathers came to salvation
The Tsen's received salvation after their ancestor's sick cow farted (miraculously healed from a terrible cow disease)! As funny as it sounds, it was a miracle that then saved the rest of the Tsen's family line thereafter. (Gab/Matt, if you are reading this, I hope you can comment in this blog how it actually happened! :D )
The lessons from Rahab's sin (as a prostitute)
1) It does not mean God approves such an evil profession
- Rahab became a true convert & abandoned her business
- God condemns sin but the people, He loves
- God commands people who have been delivered from bondages not to give the Devil anything
John 8:11
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
2) God can and will use anyone no matter how sinful the background one comes from
- God delivered Rahab and saved her life
Luke 19:10
10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
By the way, I was typing this message using my Stowaway Bluetooth Keyboard. Below are pics of this new toy of mine.
When folded, this is how the keyboard looks like... very portable. Brand : ThinkOutside - Stowaway.
This is how it looks like with my O2 XDAIIs in horizontal display. Still lovin' it!