Two new visitors from way yonder...
I will blog about two new and recent visitors to our blog site; they are Helen and Mag. Both of them have things in common like both miss Sarawak food very much (kolo mee and Sarawak Laksa amongst the list) and both ladies are from Sarawak - Miri and Kuching respectively to be precise... hooray for Sarawakians!! (Don't know why I cheered but it's always good to be a Sarawakian!!) They were linked to my site via fh2o and Ramblings blog sites (many thanks Francis and Doc Chen).
The other common and yet different thing about them is that both are now living abroad, Helen is studying in Melbourne, Australia whilst Mag is training to be a nurse in Austin, Texas, USA (cowboy state!). So one's down there, the other is way, way, way on the other side of the globe... (sorry Mag, hope this does not increase your homesickness and make you miss our Sarawak Laksa even more! So now you can deduce who is the one who misses her kolo mee! :D).
Their blog is as interesting as their personalities (from what I gather so far from their blog entries and it is a good thing!) as their blogs are honest, personal views of life; be it abroad or that of Malaysia. Go pay them a visit and say "Hi" from the Yongs for me! So, I can only conclude that it is through the world of blogging that one can meet two new instant acquaintance so fast... they may be far away physically but in cyberspace reality, they are only a click away!
I have linked their blog sites to mine on the right hand side of my blog... so go visit them and drop a line or two! But don't ask me why they call themselves as PatientHelen and Indaiyoyo.
Perhaps if they read this blog, maybe they can tell us what their chosen cyberspace names mean.