Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Pretty in red

Pretty in red, originally uploaded by Yong Family.

Jessica is wearing a dress we bought about 1 year ago. It is such a pretty dress and since it didn't come in any smaller sizes then, we bought the smallest they had; age 2. No regrets.

Doesn't she look pretty?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fun at Aquaria, Kuala Lumpur

Last weekend, the whole family disappeared to the capital of Malaysia; Kuala Lumpur. We went to the underwater world called Aquaria located at KLCC (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre), right in the heart of KL itself.

Aquaria is a beautifully done up underwater world and perhaps to sum it up in two words would be "new" and "exciting". So this year alone, Josh and Jess have been to two underwater worlds, the one at Singapore and this one in Malaysia.

Josh & Jess' cousin, Amanda Jane, joined us for this trip at Aquaria. We were all very intriqued by the displays at the centre. Below are some of the pics we took.

The "tree" in water exhibit was fascinating. It spans about two to three-storey high! Live fishes swiming in and out of the branches.

A photo shot of Amanda Jane and Josh.

The majestic (but very poisonous) lion fish.

Besides sea creatures, there were also other exhibits of the reptilian and nocturnal type. Lots of creepy crawlies... big and small!

A pic of the "troupe".

Another pic with daddy in it.

The centre had open pools where you can see the fishes swimming around right under your noses!

In the underwater tunnel...

Did I hear you say mermaids?? Yes, we saw them!

The kids were so fascinated by the mermaids that we had to keep reminding them that they are not real!

The last and final shot.... in the mouth of JAWS!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Such a cool PDA!!

Just read about this PDA... super duper durable PDA! Accoding to the article, it says it has been dropped tested and has been subjected to heavy vibration, extreme temperatures, dust and water and it survived!

This looks like a great PDA for parents with toddlers if they added pooh test and wee-wee test to make it full proof! Oh, and also baby food splatter and saliva-proof! If all that passes with flying colours, sure got business from parents!! :D

Go read all about it if you are a gadget person like myself...
Recon X-Series pocket PC

Friday, July 07, 2006

Dinner at Best Western restaurant

We're at Best Western restaurant tonight for dinner. This place has a nice ambience and food is not too bad too. Look at the lights on the ceiling. They are suppose to resemble birds in flight. Interesting right?

Our Wedding Anniversary

Today is our 5th Wedding Anniversary... a very special day indeed!

5 years ago, I said "I do" to her. We made a vow that to each other to love & cherish each other in sickness and in health, in wealth or otherwise, etc.. Isn't it interesting that the vow is responded with "I do" (a present tense) and not expressed as a past or future tense? It just means that marriage is for the here and now for this life. It is for everyday, good days and not so good days! God has masterminded this union from the day of creation so it is His perfect plan.

We chose the 7th of July as seven was the perfect number of God (also 7th of July 2001 was a Saturday so convenient for people to attending our wedding... hee hee hee!).

Here are some of the studio pictures that we took back then... don't we look young? :D

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Another Good Bye...

This photo was taken last week to bid farewell to our "little" Abigail who will be pursuing her tertiary studies outside Miri. Abigail is such a gentle, polite and lovely sister to have in our worship ministry team. We do miss her fellowship and presence with us.... one week already!

This photo has most of the members in our Worship Team, although not all are in it. Abigail is seated in the middle, first row, fourth from the right wearing a black blouse (or diagonally above Josh).

Abigail, God bless your life as you continue to abide in Him and walk faithfully according to His Word! We do see His Hands at work in your life! God is good!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Mountain Biking

Mountain biking was once a favorite past time of mine. I enjoyed the gadgets that bikers used in this sport. But I think the thrill of it all is in the adventure of exploring new places! Biking on dirt roads at the outskirts of Miri (actually not that far-la) was exciting whilst going through 'kampungs' was like being thrown back to the early days of childhood (not that I lived in a kampung when I was young but I do remember some kampungs in my early days!). We, Stanley, Robin and I, once did a trip from Pujut 7 right up to Bakam beach and back... and boy, were we sore all over the next day! BUT we enjoyed the company and the trip itself. There was once we cycled from Pujut 7 right to where the new port was being constructed but alas, on our way back (it was getting dark) I had a self accident! Nothing serious but it was due to poor visibility then. Some scratches was all there was ... no scars!

On a safety note, please always use your cycling crash helmets (buckled) when you are on the wheels and prior to any journeys, do check the brakes. Useful things that I would normally bring along whilst cycling is my handphone.. for emergencies. There was once my bicycle chain broke and I had to call my wife to rescue me~ bless her!

I have stopped this sport after our kids came along (for obvious reasons) and resorted to other ways to keep fit i.e. jogging. Today was a cloudy day so I decided to take my bike out and have it cleaned. After many years of not riding it, I found out that the 21-speed bike had reduce to 3! I reckon the Shimano gears, which has served me well, had some of its wires untensioned. Both the tyres were flat, needless to say. However, as I was cleaning and oiling it, I somewhat fell in love with the sports once more.

Perhaps one day, I will cycle again... perhaps!

My first mountain bike!

Still looking good as new.

The controls for the gears.

I changed the pedals to enable shoes with cleats to sit comfortably in. More power in the pedal!

Tyres flat out!

The reflectors reflected the cameras flash well! Important feature!

P.S. After some thought, I'm thinking of selling my bike to hopefully give it more life than just sitting covered up... any takers?


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