Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Facebook and migration...

So today we were in church on duty as host and one elderly lady came up to us and ask if we have seen a lady that we know. Ok, before I continue, let me tell you the wonders of facebook.

This wonderful programme has helped many socialise and post events of their lives on line. So what happened recently is that this lady and family has migrated to Australia, based on her facebook. Somehow, his husband's facebook also talked about missing his wife and son. I knew that the husband has yet to travel to Australia at that point so I assumed that the wife and son must have gone to Australia already ahead of him.

So back to my original story : the elderly lady asked if we have seen the lady and we said no. And I volunteered additonal info and said that she is already in Australia!. Lo and behold, the elderly lady protested and insisted that the lady is still in KL. I thought she didn't understand what I said so I repeated myself. Then this elderly lady mentioned that the lady she waslooking for is her daughter! At that point, we were so embarrased as we knew we were wrong! Haiyo!

So we saw the lady and the elderly lady later in church that morning. Yes, still in KL.

Moral of the story : Facebook does not give Facts! IT's called FACEbook not FACTbook! Even though it is called FACEbook, it sure didn't give me face this morning!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Where have all the years gone?

So here I am flashing up another blog entry, after umpteen years... has it really been that long!? Tonight is the eve of the Chinese New Year. It's the end of the hardworking moo-moo year and the beginning of the roaring new tiggerific year!

The kids have grown up so much since the last post; Josh is in Standard Two now and Jess is in her last year of pre-school. Oh how the years go by! Jess is starting music lssons whilst Josh is undecided. Both love a game of Wii over the weekend with Josh dominating in most games except bowling, whee Jess is still the champ.

We have bought a place of our own here in the throbbing city of KL. Somehow, where we are, we get the serene beauty of the forest and enjoy cool, fresh air daily even though we are just 15 mins drive straight into Suria KLCC! It's really by God's grace! Never in my life would I thought of rearing koi fish but here we are, th house equipped with a pond and a few big koi fish to start with! We are blessed.

Ok, the reunion dinner is tonight. Better get ready after a game of Wii.... hee hee hee!

Happy and Blessed Chinese New Year, everyone!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

And Josh graduates...

How time flies. Our little boy has just graduated from his kindergarten. Yes! Our little graduate wore his mortar board proudly on 18-Oct. We are so proud of him for adjusting well to kindy life in KL and also for doing well too.

18th Oct. was a school concert cum graduation ceremony. His class did a chinese ribbon dance. He skillfully twirled the ribbon which was fixed to a stick.

Overall, he enjoyed himself and was so tired that he slept in the car after the ceremony. What a big day for our little boy!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Hari Raya holidays

We have not been blogging frequently nowadays (stating the obvious) as Daddy now is maintaining another website... a less wordy site but filled with pictures. You can head over there by following this URL

During the recent Raya hols, we headed down to the historical city of Melaka to feast on some Nyonya foods. Thereafter, we drove to Port Dickson and stayed the night at Avilion water chalets. You can see more of the pics of our little holiday at the URL above. I'm still loading my pics in there.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Baby Cousin

Guess who came to visit? Baby Aaron with his Daddy and Mummy... all the way from Japan! (Well, not really directly from Japan but they are living there now. They went to Penang and stopped over in KL before flying back home.)

Anyway, Josh and Jess had a great time playing with baby Aaron. He is so cute and from what we see, he will be a tall boy! It was good to meet up and catch up with our brother in-law/brother and sister in-law.


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