Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Monday, December 31, 2007

End Well, Start Well

It's been quite a while now since we last blogged. So many things have happened and the latest being Daddy typing half blind... no la, not blind but recovering vision. Don't fret, Daddy did not get an eye disease but rather had laser surgery done to both his eyes to correct his vision... so Daddy is now glasses free! So, if there are spelling mistakes here and there in this post, blame it on Daddy's eyes! :D

We had a great Christmas celcbration at SIBKL where the production "Timeless Christmas" finally aired. Daddy was in the choir and it was a great show. Actually, it was more than a show as many got saved! Praise the Lord for the great harvest of souls!

Daddy has also taken a new interest in photography and post-processing the photos using Photoshop. It's really interesting to try to master the art of "feeling" the picture to let it tell a story (or create and impression) on the on looker's minds. Anyway, you can view them by clicking on this link.

As Daddy types, the rain is pouring outside... reminds us of what the year has been, an outpouring of God's blessing on our lives in KL. We have managed to record our 1st anniversary being in KL in December. Now as we look forward to the next year, it gives us much to look forward to. Daddy will not write too much here as later we will be off to our Watchnight Service to usher in the new year with our church members.

So, here's a prayer to all of you that you will end the year well to help you start well in 2008!

Blessed New Year!
From the Yongs.


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