A Timeless Christmas 2007
I know it's a bit too early to talk about Christmas celebration in September... but it is not for the SIBKL worship ministry a.k.a. Atone to start rehearsals for this special celebration. Today, I went for my second rehearsal (missed the first one due to some lunch appointment that ended up too late). I'm singing tenor in the choir together other brothers in-Christ. We will have all the 4 parts in the choir (SATB) accompanied by our very own musos... yes, strings too!
The Christmas celebration at SIBKL will be called "A Timeless Christmas" and it is indeed very exciting. I must say that the manner in which we started the rehearsal is excellent. We were all reminded that as we participate in this work, we are in the ministry of help... OTHERs first. We are in it to help others! Serving one another to help others worship God through the gifts He has given to each of us. We want to be like Jesus, whom being in very nature God, chose to be a servant when He was on earth some 2,000 years ago. He is our great example... but what is more amazing is that we have the Holy Spirit to help us. We all can do it because He is our strength! Hallelujah... which 'coincidentally' is the song title of the last song in our worship medley. It is just so exciting.... not so much in the production itself but in the journey that we are undertaking to help one another as Jesus would have us do. It's a learning and growing process... watch this space for more updates in days to come!
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