Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Langkawi 2007

So, this is yet another delayed post... well, because we went to Langkawi last week. It was a good break! Langkawi is a beautiful island with lovely beaches. We really enjoyed our stay there. The kids loved the swimming pool and the sandy beaches. Mummy and Grandma (and Daddy also) went for spas. (Yes, I was influenced by my wife to go... it was my first ever spa!) Grandpa relaxed as well and had a blast with Josh and Jess. So everyone is happy. The only regret on this trip was the island hoping tour which we did not manage to go on. It was canceled as the weather was bad that morning.

So what did the Yongs do in that little island?

Besides the beautiful beaches (Pantai Cenang)....

... we managed to visit the Underwater world, which we thought had more exhibits than Aquaria in KL. Josh enjoyed the exhibits there and kept going back to revisit the exhibits when we reached the end... he didn't want to leave. He does have a passion for animals/sea creatures.

There were plenty of huge aquariums there! It magnifies all the exhibits in the aquarium due to the thick glass.

Yes, penguins!

Nemo was there too!

There were sea dragons.

We even reached the skies in Langkawi! Yes, the cable car ride and the tree top bridge/platforms were also a great hit with us. The temperature up there was so nice and cool. Elevation was 703m (above MSL). Clouds moved passed us as we traverse the bridge joining the two platforms that seem to magically hang in the air above the trees! The best part was that there was always a continue fresh cooling breeze up there.

Amazing, isn't it?

The kids also had their caricature done as well. Their first. It cost RM25 each, by the way.

Jess' caricature... made her look very mature.

Josh's still has his boyish look.

We also went to the town called Kuah (aka gravy) and saw the biggest eagle statue in the world. It was quite a phenomenal sight. The kids had fun with bubbles at that place too.

Bubbles, bubbles away!

One strange sight that we noticed about Langkawi almost everywhere are these bird's nests. We were told that they have been left behind by the birds since the eggs have hatched. Anyway, this is indeed an interesting sight on trees and also in shops!

Oh, and one last thing about Langkawi, drinks lots of water... it's a "hot" island!


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