Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

We are Back... Shoe Blog?

We have disappeared for awhile. "Where to?" you may ask. Well, we took a week's vacation to the southern hemisphere; to an island which is really, really near to the South Pole. If you have not guessed it already, we were down under, no, not Australia but in New Zealand. We spent a week in Auckland and Hamilton on the North Island of New Zealand.

Adjusting to the hot and humid climate in KL is just one of those post-holiday blues one gets when the holiday has come to an end.

One of the highlights for my wife during this trip has been the shopping spree there. (I will blog more about the other aspects of our holiday later.) My wife bought some lovely shoes from Hush Puppies in NZ and she has asked me to blog about them. So here it is, a shoe blog, from a man's perspective. (Stop laughing you guys...)

I'll use the following pics to help me along. For your info., these shoes were bought during a sale so she did get a good deal.

Ah, those beautiful feet... who needs shoes? (Ha ha ha.)
Anyway, this is the first of two pairs she bought.

If you take a closer look at the shoes (in the next picture), you will see the cute little florets on the shoe. I would call these sandals, with fine thin straps to wrap around the ankle and feet.

It has an almost flat sole, so this must be comfortable to walk in... no heels here!

The second pair is more formal (less casual than the first) and has a golden brown colour to it. There is this silver flower motive right in the centre of each pair... a rather bold design. This pair has heels about an inch thick.

The picture above shows the two shoes side by side. Two elegant and pretty shoes from Hush Puppies. They must be comfortable (err, I did not try them on ok... just trusting my wife here).

So, which pair do you like best?
(Not that you have to vote...)


Blogger My Rantings said...

Ooh, I love shoes & also Hush Puppies! I like the golden brown ones. Are they much cheaper there in NZ?

Hope you had a wonderful time there! :D

7:01 PM, May 12, 2007

Blogger The Yongs said...

Hi DQ, The HP varieties in NZ are different from Msia's. And when they are on sale (end of season sales) they can be discounted 50% or more , something I don't find in Msia HP. At normal price a pair is at least NZ$90+, so at half price they are very good deals.
You should go to NZ for your 'annual retreat' with your hubby and shop till you drop!
:) Eunice

4:44 PM, May 13, 2007


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