Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

When life bites you in the calf...

We have just returned from our fun filled holiday in Singapore yesterday evening and wished that the holiday would never end (don't we all!)! Anyway, after a lot of nice Singapore foods (including some McD although that was taken out of necessity rather than nice) and ice creams (Swensens and Ben & Jerry's), I decided to go for a jog around my neighbourhood to burn some those calories. All was well during the jog until a dog attacked me! Everyone asked me afterwards whether it was a big dog and I just said it was a medium sized dog... no famous breed, just a "cha-pa-lang" crazy dog!! Urggh.

It took a nip at my calf and was all bloodied! There isn't much pain then but I guess it was the adrenalin that was still pumping in my body to feel the enormisity of the pain (like now)! When the "stupid" dog bit me, I turned around to look at it and it ran away!! Cowardly dog!!! If it attacked me again, I would have kicked it in the nose! Hah!

My wife took me to the hospital and fortunately the bite wasn't deep enough for any stitches. Just two shots of anti-tetanus and antibiotic (augmentin). So besides getting a sore and painful right calf, I now have a sore left arm, after the two jabs... oouch!

I will blog later about our Singapore trip after this pain subsides... for now, I need to get some rest. No thanks to the dog!

I am posting a picture of my calf that has been dressed (so no open wounds here) but if you are quesy of such things, please don't look at it. It is still bloodied despite the dressing. Will need to go back to the hospital for fresh dressing tomorrow.

Refdlections : So, when life bites you in the calf, turn back and kick it in the nose!


Blogger patienthelen^ said...

ouchie.. that's a nasty one.

i was bitten by a black dog once, in my neighbourhood. but it looked nothing like that.

hope the wound heals soon. take care :)

1:58 AM, May 05, 2006

Blogger Francis Ho said...

oh dear!

although I keep dogs myself, I'm always wary about other dogs outside. one really need to be careful as once a dog has bitten a human; it will continue to do so again.

I carry a stick when i go for evening walks and I always pick up a few stones when I go jogging.

take care!

2:23 PM, May 05, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

a yok!!... i have an experience with that as well. it was my neightbour's dog n the scar is still ther on my thigh!!...get well soon


12:13 AM, May 07, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Cindy Floyd and i would like to show you my personal experience with Augmentin.

I suffered from Pseudofolliculitis behind my head for years and by chance I got Augmentin from Libya without any prescription. In Europe all the doctors that I consulted could not find solution for this problem so one day I just worked into a pharmacy in Libya and showed it to the Doctor in charge of the pharmacy who adviced me to take Augmentin. I was a bit hesitant but before my returning date (after 5 days) I noticed that all the bumps are drying. and now I'm very proud of my head.

Side Effects :
None.....Miracle drug…

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Cindy Floyd

3:33 PM, October 03, 2008


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