Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A Word A Day

I have been subscribing to this FREE "A Word A Day"" from Anu Garg. AWAD looks at
unusual words;words we would normally not use in our day to day conversation nor
see often enough in publications.

I have been intrigued by some of the words he shared with us. You can be part of
his mailing list too by visiting his website :

Below is an extract of what I received this week.
Thanks to Anu Garg.
Be refreshed and amused!

This week we feature a potpourri of words. We opened a dictionary, shook
it gently, and these words fell out. They came in all shapes, sizes, and
senses. They're short and long. They're flighty and grouchy. Call 'em what
you will, a medley of words, a farrago, or a gallimaufry. They're disparate,
they're diverse. They are varied and variegated, unclassified and unsorted.
And they're all ready to serve.

volitant (VOL-i-tuhnt) adjective

1. Flying or capable of flight.

2. Active; moving about rapidly.

[From Latin volitare (to flutter), from volare (to fly). Volatile and volley
descended from the same source.]

-Anu Garg (

"Notwithstanding the volitant simmerings of Gershwin's right-sided tumor,
his left brain could have assumed, over time, essential functions of his
musical genius, allowing for his terminal inventiveness."
Spencer Nadler; Brain-cell Memories; Harper's (New York); Sep 2000.


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