Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

An unpleasant happening

Something unpleasant happened at our office today. A guy visiting our office for a meeting (not my meeting though) met a road bully. Apparently, he was being chased by this guy (we'll call him X) right to our office lobby. A 'fight' broke out but no one was physically hurt. Mr. X took off and the victim lodge a police report. After returning from the police station, he parked his car at our car park to proceed to his meeting but little did he know that Mr. X brought his buddies and smashed up all the window screens on the victim's car! All windows except the front windshield. Mr. X and his buddies fled and the poor guy was all distraught! The police came on scene and at one point I saw one of them carrying a machine gun!

That was the most horrible thing to ever happen during my years of service here! Gangsterism is on the high.. and sad to say, Miri is not spared! What I later found out was that the victim was driving along the road when Mr. X rudely cut in and the victim's car scratched Mr. X's car. Of course the victim honk Mr. X to warn him but was too late. So Mr. X got all angry and that was how all that started! So sad, yet true.

Isn't this world becoming more and more wicked?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is becoming more evil.. Time to walk more carefully, and especially to guard our heart and mind.

10:43 AM, August 18, 2006

Blogger Prismwater said...

Sigh. Sad but true. Things like this happened almost everyday but not all are able to see it. A friend of mine's colleague was chased after around Kuching, and they even had a device to block your cell phone until you can't even make a call out.

So sometimes it makes us think twice if we should help a stranger who's car having problem. On one hand you want to help because you might feel pity for the person. On the other hand, you'll be worried that it's a set up and you'll get jumped..

Where is the love.... Keep on praying...

3:55 PM, August 18, 2006


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