Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Josh's Birthday Party Bash!

As you can see, I am trying to catch up with my blogging... here are some pictures of Josh's birthday celebration (2 weeks back!) with his friends. He was happy with his many prezzies but most of all, the memory of having celebrated his 4th birthday!

And of course, the mummies and daddies had a good feasting!


Blogger batukawa said...

Hi Yongs,

I hope you've been shooting videos of these very special occasions when the children are young.

I have only recently started coverting my 16-year old video tapes to DVDs and found a treasure trove of beautiful memories of my children at the ages of 1, 3 and 6. Priceless!


8:47 PM, June 27, 2006

Blogger The Yongs said...

yup, we have plenty of their videos. You are right that when we view them, we find so many things in the videos that we had forgotten e.g. their innocence, antics, etc.. These are memories to be cherished! Thanks for dropping by and keep coming! :D

10:38 PM, June 28, 2006


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