Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

To DSLR or not?

Lately, we have been capturing a lot of 'kodak' moments with our Sony Cybershot digital camera (5.1 mega pixels). You can view some of those pictures here in our blog. We have had this camera for a year now and I must admit that this is a good camera but not perfect.

The challenge in using this camera is when trying to capture clear and well defined pictures in slightly poor lighting conditions or when the kids will only hold still for a fraction of a second! Most of the pictures will turn out blurry or have high noise content. It is disappointing when we know we will not be able to capture those moments again.

Furthermore, our kids seem to grow up so fast now (i.e. when I finish blogging about this, they would be all grown up and have their own kids already... ha ha ha! Not that fast la... or do I mean I type that s-l-o-w-l-y!).

I think this is the limit of automatic compact digital cameras. However, we love it because it is easy to carry around and the model chosen a year ago uses AA batteries (which are easily available if our batteris run flat whilst we are travelling).

I have heard fantastic stories of DSLR (digital single-lense reflect) cameras and have seen friends using them and giving such beautiful pictures. Are we missing out in capturing more precious moments with our kids at this tender age with only an automatic compact digital camera? Nowadays, DSLR cameras have gone down in price (but still in the RM '000 range) with better offerings than before. Two models come to mind; the Nikon D40 and Canon D400. Decisions, decisions, decisions... what shall we do?

Oh well, that is my current dilemma.... perhaps more research on the www would help.

Here is a picture of our current auto point and shoot compact digital camera.

Here is the Canon D400

And here is the Nikon D40.


Blogger bcwhite said...

Actually, you're probably catching more with your little point-and-shoot that you would with a DSLR simply because you can have a camera with you all the time.

I love by DSLR (Nikon D80) but have a tiny Casio that I wear on my belt simply because often the best photos come when least expected.

2:09 AM, February 12, 2007


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