Life... with only four letters in the alphabets, speaks volumes to many different individuals. As for us, life is what God has given and what we make out of it in obedience to Jesus Christ! So live life to the full... life is indeed exciting!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A New Fish Tank

The kids have been visitng this pet shop called "Pets Wonderland" and have asked Daddy to get them pets. Both Mummy and Daddy think Josh is ready.... but which pet?

Josh was at A'Famosa Animal World (in Malacca recently) and he saw an iguana up close and loved it! He even stroked the scaly cold skin!! An iguana running around our house as a pet? No way we are getting that as a family pet even though Pets Wonderland sells them! Let's just say that reptiles are not high on Daddy's and Mummy's favourite animal list!

Josh up close and personal with the iguana!
Notice that Daddy was "behind" Josh on this!!

So we decided to settle for something more "homey"and can add some decoration to our KL home. We bought for Josh and Jess a hexagonal fish tank complete with lights, filtration system and a decorative piece. We will buy the fish later once the water has "settled" in the tank properly. Josh and Jess will choose the fish they like.

Here is a picture of the fish tank / aquarium without any inhabitants yet.

Once we get fishes, we will make a fishy post/blog next!


Blogger My Rantings said...

Hey, for fuss-free, low maintenance fish, get moonfishes! They are very resilient, multiply very quickly and don't even need an oxygen pump or filter! Better than guppies anytime!

I bought 10 and although only 3 is left after more than 6 months, there are so many little ones, in graduating sizes!

Try it! :-)

6:55 PM, December 30, 2006


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